When shopping for a car, it’s tempting to jump at a low price tag. However, the true cost of owning a car isn’t just in the initial purchase – it’s also in the upkeep. Some cars, despite their appealingly low prices, are notorious for needing frequent and costly repairs. Here are five cars that tend to need frequent repairs.

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1. The Deceptive Sedan: The Low-Cost High-Maintenance Car

Sedans often attract buyers with their reasonable prices and comfortable designs. However, some of these seemingly affordable models can surprise you with their high maintenance needs. Certain older models of popular sedans have a reputation for transmission problems or frequent engine issues, leading to unexpected repair bills. Before settling on a budget-friendly sedan, research its long-term reliability and average repair costs.

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2. The Compact Car Conundrum

Compact cars are another category where buyers can be misled by low prices. While their small size and fuel efficiency are appealing, some models come with a hidden cost: they are prone to certain types of wear and tear. Issues like clutch replacements, exhaust system repairs, and electrical glitches can be common. As with sedans, researching the specific model’s history can save you from future headaches.

3. The Affordable SUV Trap

SUVs offer space and versatility, which makes them a popular choice among families. However, some budget-friendly SUVs can be a money pit in terms of repairs. Problems with suspension, brakes, and transmissions are not uncommon in certain models. Additionally, due to their size and complexity, repairs can be more expensive compared to smaller cars. Be sure to check the reliability ratings and average repair costs for any SUV you’re considering.

4. The Used Luxury Car Pitfall

Luxury cars depreciate rapidly, which can make a used luxury car seem like a steal. However, this bargain can be misleading. Luxury cars, even older models, often require specialized maintenance and parts, which can be expensive. Moreover, as these cars age, they may encounter frequent mechanical issues. A used luxury car with a low price tag can quickly become a financial burden due to its high maintenance needs.

5. The Sports Car Dilemma

Sports cars are exciting and fun to drive, but they can also be a nightmare in terms of repairs. High-performance parts are costly, and these cars often require frequent servicing. Additionally, insurance costs for sports cars can be higher, adding to the overall cost of ownership. If you’re eyeing a sports car with a surprisingly low price, consider the total cost of upkeep before making your decision.

The Bottom Line

While a low purchase price can be attractive, it’s important to consider the long-term costs of owning a car. Some vehicles, though initially cheap, can become a drain on your finances due to their frequent and expensive repair needs.

Doing thorough research, checking reliability ratings, and considering the average cost of repairs can help you avoid these hidden money pits and find a car that is both affordable and reliable. When it comes to buying a car, what seems like a deal at first glance might end up costing more in the long run.

Editor's note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates' editorial team.

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This article originally appeared on These 5 Cars May Seem Cheap, But They Always Need Repairs

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